CORE 10-1-14
Friday, October 03, 2014
9:00 AM
9:10 Discuss the Lazorchak Dilemma
o Moving to Wilcox
& Barton in Moretown. Several offices throughout New England.
Maybe there will be a small invoice from McCain to close out that
arrangement and possibly a new contract with the same format from Moretown.
9:25 Draft schedule Peter’s deliverables (best guess)
o Peter Monroz thinks
the wetlands will be cost prohibitive unless we can get relief from the state's
design flows for a school. Trying to submit historical data to state as a
justification. There is only very sketchy data from Dave Warren but the
school has started recording again.
o In our favor is the
fact that the wetlands are above and beyond the state requirements. So
perhaps there will be some leniency.
o We should have a
handle on the design flows that will be used within a few weeks. Bill
Reed wants them to rough scope the size and cost of the project.
o Kin inquired about
the use of this project for teaching and wondered what size was appropriate for
o Big Question: If the
soils are so good that we don't even need the wetland treatment, what is the
appropriate resource use ($$) to meet Yestermorrow goals...which are
educational and "doing the right thing". Andres was
reluctant to "throw out numbers" as to square footage but the leach
field will be designed for boarding school flows so that's pretty large
(100gal/day). Bill Reed offered 1-2sqft/gallon/day as a rule of thumb.
9:35 Discuss Andreas’ deliverables and how they are
contingent on the WW design
o Stormwater design
and daylighting the stream is his focus. Kin was wondering about the
ownership of document part of the contract. She wants access to the
design documents for educational purposes and Andres gave verbal assurances
that this would be fine.
o Because the WW is so
integral to the site development, they are waiting for direction from that area
before moving the stormwater mitigation.
o Stream daylighting
is where he has been focused. He wants to get his recent work before the
ANR and arrange a site visit from Dept. of Wetlands. He also wants to
engage in a discussion with river management. Kin endorses this
enthusiastically. Shannon Morrison from wetlands has been out previously
as part of the Tracker Project but she might not have looked at the stream.
o There are two
culverts. They are proposing the removal of the larger uphill pipe but
keeping the lower pipe in place as an overflow. Alternatively, we could
discuss removing the lower pipe but first we would want to reach out to the
neighbor. Kate will contact the property owners about removing the lower
We closed out by talking about how this could work with fund raising.